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QA Evaluations Call Center

Tuesday Jul 9th, 2024

How Many Contact Center QA Evaluations Do You Need to Do Per Agent?

Find out how many calls you need to score to get statistically valid scoring data.  

And its not 100% of them!

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Wednesday May 15th, 2024

Revolutionizing Offshore Contact Center Quality Assurance with OttoQa’s Auto QA Platform

For U.S. companies outsourcing their contact centers offshore, ensuring high service quality can be challenging. OttoQa’s Auto QA platform provides a cost-effective solution by automating the quality assurance process for voice, chat, email, and help desk interactions.

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DALLE 2024 04 29 10.48.28 A futuristic customer experience center with a stark contrast between old and new technology. The image shows a side by side comparison  on one side

Monday Apr 29th, 2024

Unveiling the Truth: AI in Customer Experience and Its Real-World Challenges

Get an in-depth look at the actual state of AI in customer experience directly from those on the front lines. Discover why the industry may not be as prepared for AI as you think, and what needs to change for true advancement.

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Friday Apr 19th, 2024

Auto QA Platforms: Transforming Customer Cancellation Feedback Analysis

Explore how Auto QA transforms cancellation feedback into actionable insights to boost customer retention and satisfaction.

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Thursday Apr 18th, 2024

Scoring Empathy with AI: Enhancing Connections with Auto QA

Explore OttoQA's use of AI to enhance customer service by understanding intent and emotions, improving agent responses and customer satisfaction.

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Auto QA Process Behind the Scenes

Monday Apr 1st, 2024

How Auto QA Works: An In-Depth Guide to OttoQa’s Process

Explore OttoQa's unique approach to Auto QA, where we blend AI with your existing QA forms for unmatched quality assurance in customer service. Unlike broader CCaaS solutions, OttoQa focuses solely on Auto QA, utilizing advanced AI models like GPT-4 Turbo and Claude 3 Sonnets for precise, efficient analysis. Experience how OttoQa offers superior accuracy at a lower cost, setting a new standard for QA technology. Discover the OttoQa difference—crafted, not just created.

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Monday Feb 26th, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Auto QA in Contact Centers: Revolutionizing Quality with AI

Are you ready to uncover the transformative power of Auto QA? In the bustling world of contact centers, where every interaction holds significance, traditional quality assurance methods often miss the mark. But with Auto QA fueled by AI and cutting-edge prompting techniques, we’re witnessing a revolution in real-time evaluation.

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Future proof ai

Monday Feb 26th, 2024

Future-Proof Your Contact Center: A Comprehensive Guide to Preparing and Implementing AI Technologies

In the rapidly evolving contact center industry, staying ahead means not just selecting the right technologies but also preparing your organization for their integration and use.

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Leading Digital BPO

Monday Feb 19th, 2024

Leading the Digital Transformation in BPO: Expivia’s Strategy for AI-Driven Customer Support

In the rapidly evolving business landscape, where technological innovation outpaces traditional business models, the contact center outsourcing industry is undergoing a monumental shift. This transformation is driven by the growing demand for exceptional customer service and the need for businesses to stay competitive in a digital-first world.

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The Comprehensive Guide to NICE CXones Latest AI Driven Release

Thursday Feb 15th, 2024

The Comprehensive Guide to NICE CXone’s Latest AI-Driven Release

The landscape of customer service is on the brink of a major transformation, thanks to the upcoming release from NICE CXone. This release is not just an update; it’s a leap into the future of AI-driven customer service.

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Guide to Preparing Your Contact Center for AI Integration

Wednesday Feb 14th, 2024

Guide to Preparing Your Contact Center for AI Integration

 Here’s a comprehensive guide to setting the stage for successful AI integration, ensuring your call center not only adapts to the demands of modern customer service but excels at them.

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Saturday Aug 5th, 2023

Harnessing AI for Quality Assurance in Customer Interactions: Our Journey

As an organization at the forefront of the fusion between human intelligence and artificial intelligence, we have embarked on an exciting journey. We want to show you how we are automating QA in our contact center with AI.

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Transforming Your Contact Center Culture A Case Study in Attitude and Effort

Thursday Jul 20th, 2023

Transforming Your Contact Center Culture: A Case Study in Attitude and Effort

Contact centers are the heart of any business. They not only shape customer experience but also play a key role in driving revenue. However, shaping an effective contact center culture isn’t just about adhering to KPIs and maintaining quality scores.

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The Future of Contact Centers The Role of AI in the CX Tools of Today

Wednesday Jul 12th, 2023

The Future of Contact Centers: The Role of AI in the CX Tools of Today

The advent of AI and associated technologies has opened up a whole new horizon of possibilities for the contact center industry. While these technologies are not new, their applications in the realm of customer service are taking some intriguing turns.

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